Becoming Boaz

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At some point, every man becomes a Boaz. When he discovers someone special. Certain qualities shine (even without him realizing it).

Lived in Bethlehem. He noticed a woman on his land gathering food. Mosaic law commanded landowners to care for those in need, but this one was special. He was curious and sought to learn more about her.

He gave her access to the sheaves and allowed her to glean as much food as she could carry. Out of concern for her safety, she was able to come and work among the women employees. A great relief for a stranger in foreign land.

Boaz spoke with kindness. His approach was tender and respectful. As the relationship progressed – he moved quickly to ensure their marriage. Great joy ensued. And their story became one of the most endearing of biblical testament.

A Boaz  ● 

He observes and wants to learn about the woman he’s interested in.

A builder of hope. Authentic –Yet – Positive.

His motives are always thoughtful.

Does what needs to be done. Sensibly. Aptly. Quickly.

When a man becomes a Boaz … watch out worldThese are the attributes worth waiting for.

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